Why Animation is Important for Businesses in Singapore

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"Data doesn't lie. 68% of all internet users in Singapore watch videos according to research!"

Over the years, about 86% of businesses worldwide have incorporated animation into their marketing strategy in some form. Interactive media, explainers, documentaries, commercials; you name it! There’s always something “animated about it.”

But some of the basic questions someone would ask are, why does animation hold so much importance right now? Why are businesses preferring it over other types of videos? And why should businesses in Singapore start taking it seriously, too?

This, and much more, we will be discussing in this rather detailed article about the role of animation in the marketing sector and how it could be a potential brand maker in the future to come.

So without wasting further time, let’s jump in!

1.  Animation boosts engagement

The latest reports published by Statista confirm that around 68% of all internet users in Singapore watch videos (including animated videos) daily. It includes everything, from ads to entertainment and anything in between.

Does that ring any bells? Yup! The internet users in Singapore love videos!

Boost Engagement

Top it off with all the exciting stuff that animation brings to the table, and there’s nothing more engaging. By hiring an animation company for your video marketing campaign, you get to captivate, educate, and connect to your audience in the best way possible.

2.  It boosts conversions

In your years in business, you must have consistently heard the phrase “piquing emotions” when it comes to selling a product. No matter what the product is about, the copy must touch the pain spots of the prospect in order to sell!

However, accompanying it with a practical demonstration of how it affects the consumers’ life? That’s just another level of advertising that is bound to make conversions! And animation is just at that level!

Boost conversions

It helps you connect with your audience more effectively, thus, touching them right where it hurts. That’s one of the reasons why 88% of businesses are happy with the ROI of animation. It simply converts!

3.  Animation simplifies complex ideas and products.

Sometimes, simple writing or videos aren’t enough to express some ideas or products. You need something more creative, explanatory, and imaginative to fully pass on your message to your target audience without depending on technical jargon.

And that something is animation. The visuals in animation go as far as your imagination. Thus whether it’s an abstract idea, you need to pass on or just another complex product that your audience has a hard time understanding, animation explains it perfectly.

complex products

According to a report published by Forbes, viewers understand a complex topic (or product in this case) 95% through video and 5% through text. Plus, as animation is a multi-dimensional medium, you always have the option to change your approach.

For example, if something cannot be explained in 2D, you can go for 3D instead. You can also go for other options, including whiteboard animation, typography, and even 2D and 3D combined. You have the flexibility to explain one thing in a lot of ways.

So If you aren’t using animation right now, you might be losing a lot of clients and customers simply because they don’t “understand” your product or haven’t got the time to read those long, jargon-filled copies.

Guess what? You can’t make a sale if your prospects don’t understand it in the first place. 😉

4.  Animation boosts SEO and increases visibility.

Well, here’s the thing. Google loves video as much as you do, even more if it’s an animation. You may know it or not, but one of the most crucial metrics Google uses to rank a site is its overall user engagement, e.g., visitors’ time.

Improves SEO

With animation, you can increase this by a considerable margin. Whether it’s just some interactive animation or an animated video on your landing page, it holds enough potential to keep the leads exploring your site, thus improving your SEO. This means you will likely end up on the first page in the SERPs.

Another best thing about animation and videos is the virality factor. About 92% of all video audiences are more likely to share videos with their friends and family. That’s 33% more than the people who share written articles. The results? Your brand becomes known among the masses!

5.  It expands your reach.

When you share a video on a video-sharing platform, you are basically presenting it to billions of consumers who absolutely love watching and sharing videos.

You can confirm this from the fact that users spend about 250 million hours daily watching videos on Youtube alone, which is more than the time spent on any other thing on the internet. And we haven’t even mentioned other platforms like Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram yet.

Expands Reach

In other words, you are likely going to get some impressive leads, no matter where you post your videos. The chances even increase with an animation.

6.  Animation is cost-effective

Unlike live-action ads with substantial production costs, animation stays at the lower side of the spectrum as far as project production costs are involved. You just hire a competitive animation company, give them an idea of how you want the animation to be, and describe your product.

The team will take it from there and inform you of the progress at each project stage. No actors, no huge production costs, and you get guaranteed ROI. Isn’t it how we describe cost-effectiveness?

7.  Animation helps you stand out.

One of the best things about animation is its contribution to your brand identity. Using fonts, colors, and an overall theme that revolves around your brand ensures that every part of the video speaks loud and clear about your brand without even actually mentioning it.

Stand Out competition

This helps you stand out among the crowd and ensures that your audience remembers you after watching the particular video. Thus, ensuring that your brand name and future videos are easily identified due to their unique theme. People will know when it’s you!


The use of animation is gaining popularity among businesses in Singapore due to two things. First, its uniqueness and captivating theme, and second, its ability to explain even the most complex topics in a fun and engaging way. Not to mention the worldwide shift in marketing trends over the past few years.

Moreover, with the pace animation is getting popular among the masses, it will occupy a significant chunk of videos in the future for obvious reasons. That being said, In this article, we tried to evaluate why animation is essential for businesses in Singapore, its benefits, and why you should seriously start thinking about it.

We hope this article has been helpful throughout. If you liked it, don’t forget to follow our blog. We upload a lot of exciting and informative stuff about animation to keep you updated.

See you with another one!

Need an Animated Video for Your Singaporean Business?

As an award-winning Singaporean animation company, we have vast knowledge of the market, culture, and latest trends in Singapore. This helps us be your best partner in creating awesome animated videos for your business. We made over 800 premium business animations for a large pool of international clients including Visa, Grab, Tokio Marine, Shell, Pepsico, IATA and more.

Get in touch with our team for a free animation production consultation here.

Alex Safavinia

CEO & Creative Director at Explainer Videoly Pte. Ltd.
He is responsible for the art directions as well as overseeing the progress and development of each production to make sure all projects are delivered flawlessly.